0 - 1740329740

odroid XU4

  • odroid-fan driver unter:



fan_mode: Auto or Manual (set to 1 for auto and 0 for manual, default Auto)
fan_speeds: Four space delimited fan speed percentage values, in ascending order. (default “1 51 71 91”)
pwm_duty: Current setting of the PWM duty cycle (0-255, set dynamically)
pwm_enable: On or off (default on)
temp_levels: Three space delimited CPU Celcius temperature values, in ascending order (default “57 63 68”)

  • ändern mit:

<blockquote> touch /etc/udev/rules.d/60-odroid_fan.rules
vim /etc/udev/rules.d/60-odroid_fan.rules </blockquote>

dort folgende Zeile einfügen:

<blockquote> DRIVER==“odroid-fan”, ACTION==“add”, ATTR{fan_speeds}=“1 20 50 95”, ATTR{temp_levels}=“50 70 80” </blockquote>

  • aktuelle Temperatur auslesen:

<blockquote> cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | sed -e s#000\$## </blockquote>

  • arch-linux-ODROID-XU4

Micro SD Card Creation

Replace sdX in the following instructions with the device name for the SD card as it appears on your computer.

  Zero the beginning of the SD card:
  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M count=8
  Start fdisk to partition the SD card:
  fdisk /dev/sdX
  At the fdisk prompt, create the new partitions:
      Type o. This will clear out any partitions on the drive.
      Type p to list partitions. There should be no partitions left.
      Type n, then p for primary, 1 for the first partition on the drive, 4096 for the first sector, and then press ENTER to accept the default last sector.
      Write the partition table and exit by typing w.
  Create the ext4 filesystem:
  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX1
  Mount the filesystem:
  mkdir root
  mount /dev/sdX1 root
  Download and extract the root filesystem (as root, not via sudo):
  wget http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-odroid-xu3-latest.tar.gz
  bsdtar -xpf ArchLinuxARM-odroid-xu3-latest.tar.gz -C root
  Flash the bootloader files:
  cd root/boot
  sh sd_fusing.sh /dev/sdX
  cd ../..
  Unmount the partition:
  umount root
  Set the boot switch on the ODROID-XU4 board next to the HDMI jack to the uSD position.
  Insert the micro SD card into the XU4, connect ethernet, and apply 5V power.
  Use the serial console (with a null-modem adapter if needed) or SSH to the IP address given to the board by your router.
      Login as the default user alarm with the password alarm.
      The default root password is root.

eMMC Module Creation

  Attach the eMMC module to the micro SD adapter, and plug that into your computer.
  Follow the above steps to install Arch Linux ARM, and boot the board with the eMMC still attached to micro SD adapter, plugged into the SD slot in the board.
  Re-flash the bootloader to the protected boot area of the eMMC module:
  cd /boot
  ./sd_fusing.sh /dev/mmcblk0
  Power off the board:
  Remove the micro SD adapter, and detach the eMMC module.
  Set the boot switch on the ODROID-XU4 board next to the HDMI jack to the eMMC position.
  Connect the eMMC module to the XU4, ensuring you hear a click when doing so, connect ethernet, and apply 5V power.
  Use the serial console (with a null-modem adapter if needed) or SSH to the IP address given to the board by your router.
      Login as the default user alarm with the password alarm.
      The default root password is root.

odroid N2


<blockquote>watch -n 3 cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp</blockquote>